UFOs and Extraterrestrials are Real but we are Being Denied the Truth
A number of decades ago some shadowy government officials became involved with aliens and worked secretly to acquire their advanced technology for whatever power hungry agenda they desire; mainly to keep manipulative control over this planet and/or expand their control even beyond earth's boundaries! But in order for their malevolent plan to work, they lied to the rest of the population ridiculing anybody who would even suggest such an existence of these beings; while most people who had any knowledge about the UFOs stayed quiet to avoid shame or threats. You have to ask yourself sometimes; what sort of deal did they make with these extraterrestrials in exchange for their cooperation? More and more sightings are happening all over the world and many people are sharing their information over the internet.
Do you remember how a few hundred years ago when some people said that the earth is round and they were ridiculed for even suggesting such a thing? The majority of people thought that the earth is flat and sailors would fall off the edge of the world?! Then people traveled to different continents, met different races and proved that life existed beyond their continent! That is exactly what is happening here, the only difference is that we are not dealing with continents on the same planet; we are dealing with a bigger scale model of planets in the universe.
Do you remember how a few hundred years ago when some people said that the earth is round and they were ridiculed for even suggesting such a thing? The majority of people thought that the earth is flat and sailors would fall off the edge of the world?! Then people traveled to different continents, met different races and proved that life existed beyond their continent! That is exactly what is happening here, the only difference is that we are not dealing with continents on the same planet; we are dealing with a bigger scale model of planets in the universe.
Unfortunately whatever technology the aliens are assisting the shadowy government with, is not being used for the good of mankind. Instead they are being used to suppress our evolutionary progress and keep us dependent on old dirty technology, plunging planet earth in more pollution and disastrous outcome! New clean inventions are being suppressed on purpose for many reasons. Wars are being fabricated to keep everyone busy with primitive way of thinking! I'm not even talking about your elected members of government; these people answer to those who own most of the wealth in the world, while the laws of the land does not apply to them! They are a secret organization who can buy, manipulate or eliminate anyone they want!
For more details about this, watch this video of Paul Hellyer, the former Minister of National Defense of Canada in a citizen’s disclosure in Washington DC USA. He reveals that extraterrestrials are working within the US government in secret locations. http://vimeo.com/65430488 Posted May 8, 2013. Just like people these beings come from a vast number of planets, therefore they are not from the same race; there are many different species, they have different features, they behave differently than each other, some may be kind in nature and some the opposite might be true. My point is this; just like humans they are all different. You cannot judge them unless you deal with them one on one. The media is also controlled by the shadowy government so do not believe what they say. Since the extraterrestrials beings have more advanced technology than us, don't you think if they could or wanted to hurt us they would have done that by now? But one must wonder what is it of interest for them here on our planet? what do we have that they want?!
It has been said that the spark of the creator energy humans have hidden inside their DNA is a powerful force that some malevolent ETs are trying hard to recreate it in their species. Most of these ETs are afraid of our divine energy, but they also figured out that people can be crippled with fear reducing the energy field around the human body enough to allow them passage to do experimentation on them and feed of the negative energy people produce. Most people don't know how powerful they are, those who overcame their fear and resisted them, were left alone and were never bothered again!
There has been a lot of confusion about good ETs versus bad ETs; the good ETs who have a much better understanding of spirituality and the cosmic connection to all things in existence have offered to help, but they were rejected because governments are not interested in making everyone equal, they want to create wars and monitise on the human's suffering!
It is time for humanity to be part of the galactic community, we are just simply being lied to, manipulated and denied the truth. This is like the Cinderella story all over again; the ugly wicked sisters go to the ball and we were left behind dreaming of a wish to come true. But guess what; we will make it to the ball after all, they just don't know it yet!
We are currently living a big lie, and most people don't want to take the time to investigate the big picture. We are a speck in the universe, and most people act as if they are the universe! Everyone must put their ego away and start being an ambassador for their own planet. Do not let others represent you, because they are only interested in benefiting themselves at your expense. It is time for humanity to cooperate and move past the old ways of thinking and start elevating themselves to a higher level of existence by being spiritually aware and wake up to who we really are, while stepping over the imaginary fence we have been taught to stay within and leave those power hungry individuals behind as doctor Steven Greer would say.
It is time for humanity to be part of the galactic community, we are just simply being lied to, manipulated and denied the truth. This is like the Cinderella story all over again; the ugly wicked sisters go to the ball and we were left behind dreaming of a wish to come true. But guess what; we will make it to the ball after all, they just don't know it yet!
We are currently living a big lie, and most people don't want to take the time to investigate the big picture. We are a speck in the universe, and most people act as if they are the universe! Everyone must put their ego away and start being an ambassador for their own planet. Do not let others represent you, because they are only interested in benefiting themselves at your expense. It is time for humanity to cooperate and move past the old ways of thinking and start elevating themselves to a higher level of existence by being spiritually aware and wake up to who we really are, while stepping over the imaginary fence we have been taught to stay within and leave those power hungry individuals behind as doctor Steven Greer would say.