Higher Consciousness Consists of many Layers Triggered by Coded Keys Hidden in our DNA
We live in a world shrouded in mystery and confusion, we think we know the past, we may try to project the future; but as long as we continue to allow division between all living beings, the encoded keys in our DNA will never open to reveal the secret to a higher level of consciousness. In order to do that, we must not allow duality to continue.
Duality is when we think of ourselves as separate from the rest; while our ego makes us believe that the self is more important than everything around us in existence. Higher consciousness is what all living beings in the universe are seeking. No matter how advanced extra terrestrials are in their spiritual development, there will come a time where their spiritual progress will stall. This is because their spiritual evolution includes ours as well; not only are we connected to each other here on this planet we are also connected to all that exists in this universe. |
We must look at it from another point of view. The universe is a very large complex body similar in a way to our own human body. We have cells that have different functions, they may look different and have certain capabilities; but in the end they are all working for one purpose and that is to help the body live and grow. Now think of us humans as cells of the universe; what are we doing to help it grow?! Are we working together in cooperation like our body’s cells or are we constantly competing with each other? That is where we are getting stuck!
Life is not about living and dying without a purpose; life is about finding the keys to move us forward to a higher level of consciousness. Think of it as “the game of life”. The secret is hidden in our so called junk DNA. There are layers of advancements to be made; some are on the individual level, others are on the collective level and the rest are on the universal level. So as an individual you can go so far in your personal spiritual development, then you must help the collective to also move forward for without them you cannot progress collectively, and then we as a collective must help other civilizations in the universe who are also behind to move forward because we are all connected. We can’t achieve a collective advancement without the rest. |
This is a very clever way to make sure that no one gets left behind, because the universe will grow and move together in unison. So if you interfere negatively in the development of any civilization and move on thinking it will not affect you in any way... think again; there will come a point in your civilization’s development where you will realize that spiritual advancement came to a halt; and in order to continue it is necessary to help those you left behind which were negatively impacted.
If we take an overview at the structure of today’s society we can see many flaws that are keeping humanity from their potential. Some of these flaws are purposely created to prevent people from realizing the truth. You may ask; why would anyone do such a thing? The answer is because of those who are steeped in ignorance and fear. Some of them are humans, but some are not. Extraterrestrials have been involved with humanity for thousands of years some impacted our lives negatively but others positively. In the end we must recognize and understand the hidden truth in order to solve our dilemma.
For years now many truths have been labelled as a conspiracy theory only to deter people from looking into it. But the spiritually aware and the intuitive do not rely on the self labelled authoritarians to dictate to them their reality. Spiritual awareness empowers people to do their own research and rely on their own intuition. Telling others what to do is not a leadership, it is a dictatorship; what you inspire people to do by example is what we call a true leadership. |
The world is changing and we are at the verge of a mass awakening. As more people realize the truth, our collective moves forward towards a higher consciousness. Hold on to your hats everyone, for things are going to get a lot more interesting.