Water is a cleanser for negative energy; the more natural the water is the higher positive vibration it possesses. Jesus tried to explain the process of cleansing with water which Christianity call a baptism; but they think of it as one time ceremony to get rid of sins!
Using Himalayan salt sprinkled in your bath is refreshing. Salt in general is for some reason an effective healer of negative energy, when combined with water it becomes a tonic for healing. I personally use it in my children’s bath when they have a cold, flu, or a fever; it works really well if it’s used before bed time. When sitting in the water use your thoughts to imagine your negative energy being released and washed away. You could also affirm out loud saying “all negative energies are now released” as many times as you are comfortable with. Use it also to help your sick children. This is a form of water meditation.
The most negative energy producers are people, if you need time to recover, you must remove yourself from large crowded areas, and surround yourself with nature. You can also use meditation to disconnect your thoughts from what’s bothering you, and reengage yourself with your inner peace and happiness.
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