Thoughts Become Things

Think more than the bear necessities of life
Thoughts are private until they manifest into reality. Most of us tend to think constantly about anything and everything. But most of all carelessly! Since everything in this world is made out of energy including thoughts, it is safe to say we put our energy to produce energy (thoughts) not knowing that our energy will find a way to manifest itself into our reality.
Reality is based on the four fundamental key structures; thoughts (imaginations), words (sound vibrations), emotions (feelings), and actions (motion).
Do you want your thoughts to become things?
If you can think it, feel it, and seek it; you shall find it! But there is a caution to this tale... should you think negatively about it... you will fail.
Negative thoughts will cancel positive ones; it is like walking on a path then you change your mind and go back, you may change your mind and move forward once more, then get disheartened and give up all together. What you need to do is think positive and stay positive, this is very hard to do, but with a little determination you keep your thoughts focused. Shake any negative thought that might pop into your mind and purposely replace it with a positive one. There is no way of knowing the time that a thought might take to physically materialize.
Reality is based on the four fundamental key structures; thoughts (imaginations), words (sound vibrations), emotions (feelings), and actions (motion).
Do you want your thoughts to become things?
If you can think it, feel it, and seek it; you shall find it! But there is a caution to this tale... should you think negatively about it... you will fail.
Negative thoughts will cancel positive ones; it is like walking on a path then you change your mind and go back, you may change your mind and move forward once more, then get disheartened and give up all together. What you need to do is think positive and stay positive, this is very hard to do, but with a little determination you keep your thoughts focused. Shake any negative thought that might pop into your mind and purposely replace it with a positive one. There is no way of knowing the time that a thought might take to physically materialize.
Your belief will make you or break you. Most people have the defeatist attitude. Before they could even try, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is “I can’t do it” “It is impossible” “it’s too hard”. They’ve already set themselves to fail. They convinced their subconscious mind that they can’t do it, therefore they won’t.
People are preconditioned to fear more than to love. Both fear and love are emotions, but fear is used more than love, and so you might find that the reason all of people’s fears manifest into reality more than the things they love, is because all it takes is persistence. Doubting will shatter your dreams, and keep you stuck where you are. |
Here is the plan if you want to get what you want: Think of something you would like to have, then try to come up with ideas that will get you closer to achieve it; now imagine what it feels like when you have it. Stop yourself from saying “that will never happen” replace this thought with “I’m getting it”. Do not stress yourself over when and how it should happen, remember that your time line does not apply here. Keep chugging at it without fail, all it takes is five minutes a day imagining yourself getting what you want, and one day the light bulb will turn on, and it will appear in your life.
© 2012