Thought Manipulation can Influence your Energy to Either Negative or Positive

Green and blue aura
Negative and positive energy is mostly produced by thoughts that translate into positive or negative vibrations. These vibrations will attach themselves to your aura and change the way you appear in the invisible world of the ether. If you could peak through this invisible world, you would be able to see the colours omitted by each and every individual. Positive and negative vibrations translate themselves in this invisible dimension through colours. So the aura of a happy and healthy person would be perceived in different colours than a sad and sick individual.
For those who seek positive energy vibrations, you must control your thoughts and choose how you want to react to information conveyed to you through people, the media, organizations, and governments. If you give this information a feeling of one of the following (negative emotions); hatred, sadness, anger, fear, or (positive emotions) happiness, joy, love, compassion or excitement; that feeling is going to affect your energy vibrations positively or negatively depending on how you choose to react.
Negative feelings will affect your aura and health negatively; positive feelings will do the opposite. So we say to you; chose to have neutral emotions when you are faced with negative information. Focus your emotional energy on positive solutions then gradually shift your attention to what makes you happy.
For those who seek positive energy vibrations, you must control your thoughts and choose how you want to react to information conveyed to you through people, the media, organizations, and governments. If you give this information a feeling of one of the following (negative emotions); hatred, sadness, anger, fear, or (positive emotions) happiness, joy, love, compassion or excitement; that feeling is going to affect your energy vibrations positively or negatively depending on how you choose to react.
Negative feelings will affect your aura and health negatively; positive feelings will do the opposite. So we say to you; chose to have neutral emotions when you are faced with negative information. Focus your emotional energy on positive solutions then gradually shift your attention to what makes you happy.
Thought manipulation has been used by large and powerful organizations and governing bodies for centuries. They always use fear based information to make people comply with their invasive laws, product’s sales, or just simply create diversions and misinformation to divert people away from the truth. They simply know that if you were to think for yourself, and make decisions based solely on your intuition and inner truth, the world will change to a better place for everyone, while they lose control over you.
At this moment we are going through a phase of transformation, many people are starting to realize that something profound is shifting our consciousness to a higher state. It is important to understand that the larger the number of people maintaining a positive vibration at this time the better. As higher numbers of people becomes charged with positive energy, the ways of negative influences, lies and manipulations become apparent and cannot hide from the public eye. Your positive thoughts and intentions not only help you become connected to your higher self and intuition while keeping you healthy, but also help the light penetrate and dissolve the darkness of negative energy on planet earth. Keeping your thoughts focused on the positive aspects of life, helps you become more radiating with positive light energy. Negative energy will vanish in your presence, while more synchronicities will bring people of the light into your path. Energy vibrations always match people with similar energy. |
Be aware of scenarios of misinformation deliberately placed for the public in order to scare people. How many times did we hear about predictions of the end of the world? How many wars were fabricated to keep people in chaos, and confusion? They want you to stay in a negative vibration because a large population with fear would keep the planet as a whole vibrating with low negative energy where this keeps them in control. When a large number of the earth population reach a level of positive energy vibration, a sudden change will happen, and we become more aware of other dimensions we could not see or feel before!
Many people’s beliefs are used against them to make them scared of god, or scared of hell; these are very limiting beliefs; because fear is a negative vibration, and since god is of the positive vibration, we have to say that fear is negative energy which is on the opposite side of what god is. Fear of any kind is the making of negative entities not positive ones; therefore anything that makes you scared is not true to your spiritual wellbeing. |
Use your inner judgement to decipher the truth from deceit; for you are in control of your life, no one else is. We are all rising in consciousness; just remain positive in the face of all adversities, while holding the positive energy level at a steady pace. Soon you will begin to see the transformation that will sweep the planet replacing the negative influence with positive change.
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