Collective Meditation Helps Shift the Energy To a Desired Manifestation
When a group of people meditate on a solution for an event, the outcome will shift to a desired manifestation. The bigger the group of people meditating on a resolution, the more powerful and effective the shift is going to be.
Many of us think in terms of physical accomplishments instead of guided thought energy. As we look around, we notice the chaos in the world, but some of us sit back and feel helpless to change it while fear takes over our emotions. We seem to think that only physical activities can achieve results without realizing that a shift in energy allows manifestation. |
The world is made entirely out of energy; all societal systems, money, homes, plants, animals, humans, etc. are all made of energy. This energy is also being changed, exchanged, extracted and transmitted through all physical and nonphysical forms.
We sometimes tend to forget that we do have powers we hardly ever use because we are accustomed to rely mostly on our physicality. Our mind can influence the energy using thoughts in a relaxed meditative state; when light beam energy is imagined entering your crown chakra located at the top of your head and traveling through the rest of your body then pumped from the heart with good intentions and directed at a situation in our reality, the result would be influenced to reflect the desired result. |
Now imagine this energy coming out of your hands and traveling to the location of concern. Imagine the energy transforming the situation into more loving and acceptable state of being.
Colors also transmit information; every one of us relate to colors differently, for example green is associated with the heart chakra, so to some people it may represent growth, balance, love and most of all, something that leads to change. The silver color on the other hand is a color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. It can reflect plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind. If you know the color representation and what they mean, then you can combine the color and light energy imagined to be projected on any situation that needs your assistance.
Colors also transmit information; every one of us relate to colors differently, for example green is associated with the heart chakra, so to some people it may represent growth, balance, love and most of all, something that leads to change. The silver color on the other hand is a color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. It can reflect plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind. If you know the color representation and what they mean, then you can combine the color and light energy imagined to be projected on any situation that needs your assistance.
Music has been used by humans for thousands of years to induce a collective, somewhat hypnotic state. Sound is a form of energy that will move the emotions to help manifestation. In conjunction of light and color energy, music gives your energy a boost because it is powering your emotions.
Smell also plays a part in powering your emotions, for when this particular sense is tickled; a powerful positive energy emerges from the body to enforce the energy projection. By combining all of these forms of energies you will have the advantage of changing any event in the world to what you consider acceptable. |
We are subconsciously connected to each other and all things in existence; to understand this even further you can watch Gregg Braden’s video interview explaining the science behind it.
Also check out this video; where a Russian scientist explains how you can influence the world around you with your mind.
Imagine what will happen if people around the world decided to combine their mental power and use the mass consciousness to solve all of their problems. |
I have heard so many people complain over and over again on how the world is going the wrong way and no one seems to have any solution on how to fix it. There is something very simple to do and that is a collective meditation focusing on a particular subject at a time. The bigger the group of meditators the more powerful and effective the energy shift can be; so if you know a lot of like minded people or maybe followers on “YouTube” “Facebook” or “Twitter” ask to have a group meditation where all can participate from their location at a specific date and time. You will be amazed of the results.
One day we are going to look back at the way things are done in society today and say “Oh my god...that was barbaric!” So be first to embrace the change that will sweep humanity’s future on how we solve problems.
One day we are going to look back at the way things are done in society today and say “Oh my god...that was barbaric!” So be first to embrace the change that will sweep humanity’s future on how we solve problems.