How to Distinguish Between Spiritual Truth and Deception

which one is real?
It is so hard these days to find the truth within all the junk we read on the internet. Some of these so called predictions and prophecies put you in a tail spin making you dizzy of all the doom and gloom yet to come.
So how can you find what is true spiritually and what is not?
Here are some tips;
-If it is in anyway pro politics then it’s tainted. Spirituality and politics are on the opposite side of the scale. Politics is filled with lies and deception, while spirituality is about love, and Kindness.
So how can you find what is true spiritually and what is not?
Here are some tips;
-If it is in anyway pro politics then it’s tainted. Spirituality and politics are on the opposite side of the scale. Politics is filled with lies and deception, while spirituality is about love, and Kindness.
-If it predicts certain devastations on earth it is only to put fear in the hearts of many. Spirituality teaches us to get rid of our fears, because fear is a form of control created by those who have agendas. Have you heard of the term “Do not fear but fear itself”? Fearing something will only bring more of it into your life.
-If it uses some sort of judgement on others, it is a form of resentment. Spirituality teaches us to be accepting and understanding to those who are different from us. -If it is describing an Extra terrestrial interference, your spirituality has nothing to do with other beings, they have their purpose in life and you have yours. No one can make you spiritually balanced but you. Try to live in the moment while doing your part, and let the universe take care of the details. -If it makes you feel powerless, then it is not true; because spirituality is empowering, the more you use it the more accurate your intuition will become guided by the infinite light. |
There are many things in life that we do not understand or have not yet discovered, but that’s what makes life interesting. Use your inner judgement to decipher between the truth and the deceit. Your positive thoughts are your tools to enlightenment. If you want to Change the world around you, then you must change your thoughts inside you. Just remember that we are the children of god, nothing can stand in our way. © 2012