Spiritual Evolution Is Now Upon Us – The World Is Changing

The Feminine Energy is Balancing our World
We have reached a point of our evolution, where a large portion of the population, understand the spiritual connection to our physical existence. We no longer need a self appointed religious figure to guide us aimlessly, nor are we gullible enough to fear false rules to keep us from spiritually advancing and evolving.
The new earth cycle brought forward the unveiling of the truth. The secrecy of the old and the primitive way of governing planet earth is now diminishing; it is no longer vibrating on the same level of the old thought patterns. The efforts by those who are in support of the old paradigm are failing to stop the wave of this spiritual shift. Soon enough they too will either accept it or diminish from our physical perception.
The suppressed feminine energy has been released, it is now starting to balance the masculine energy that has been dominant in the past.
The new earth cycle brought forward the unveiling of the truth. The secrecy of the old and the primitive way of governing planet earth is now diminishing; it is no longer vibrating on the same level of the old thought patterns. The efforts by those who are in support of the old paradigm are failing to stop the wave of this spiritual shift. Soon enough they too will either accept it or diminish from our physical perception.
The suppressed feminine energy has been released, it is now starting to balance the masculine energy that has been dominant in the past.
If you are looking to see a better life for yourself amongst humanity, you must understand that your thoughts must move positively forward in support of a better coexistence with nature. Please realize how powerful you are without the mind manipulations by those who have enslaved society for centuries. How much resources have been wasted towards the destruction of life instead of nourishing it. Courage and honor reside in a person who knows how to save a life not take it away.
In order to recognise who we really are, we must stop relying on misleading information coming from big organizations, governments, and religious groups and start extending our hand to help each other reach this miracle transformation. Do not look for hope from any governing bodies to do this for you, for they are only concerned to keep the illusion, and their sneaky impositions on the general population alive; without it they will perish. |
This conscious shift will affect everything and everyone. All who do not approve of humanity having more freedom of choice, abundance, peace, health, wellbeing and love will be left behind. This task cannot and will not be accomplished by wars and mind manipulations of the old world. Peaceful solutions that serve all humanity must be reached through our own understanding of spirituality, in order to free ourselves from those who are in positions of power riding on the tail of others.
Be careful of the deception and false promises, of many who are already benefiting from the old system and the secret organized government bodies; both are working hard to make you believe that they are your saviour. Please think for yourself, and do not be too quick to trust these promises. The same people and the abusive system in power are not doing anyone a favour in the present, nor will they be any different in the future! Positive change must come to all. |
Although we are experiencing separate lives through our limited senses; this illusion must be realized by all of us, for we are all one. The more people start to discover their inner powers, the faster our world will be transformed into the heavenly existence we desire. When everyone understands this concept of life and applies it to our physical reality, the game is won and we move to the next level of existence.