Societal Hierarchy is Flawed and Built on fraud

We tend to believe that giving our money and the power of choice to someone else in a societal hierarchy, is a good structure and may bring us stability and prosperity. But if we look at history most people in power, could not resist the temptation of abusing their given powers to benefit themselves at the expense of others.
It doesn’t matter who gets the position, they may mean well before getting the job, but then within these circles lurk many hidden secrets which turn them quickly from Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde. This proves that the system is flawed.
How many times does history need to repeat itself in order for us to realize that no one should be allowed to put limits on others or have more authorities over others?! We all know right from wrong; and we also know when we are stepping on the rights of others or abusing the Environment; but most people choose to ignore the core values and believe the justifications fabricated by those of influence are correct.
People seem to be clueless on what is wrong politically, financially, and socially; because the majority are completely dependent on the same system of this hierarchy to inform them. But any system (political, health, education, economic, financial, energy, food, and water) can be subjected to infections of negative intent that cannot be detected until it spreads to all vital areas and suffocate their host (the people).
It doesn’t matter who gets the position, they may mean well before getting the job, but then within these circles lurk many hidden secrets which turn them quickly from Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde. This proves that the system is flawed.
How many times does history need to repeat itself in order for us to realize that no one should be allowed to put limits on others or have more authorities over others?! We all know right from wrong; and we also know when we are stepping on the rights of others or abusing the Environment; but most people choose to ignore the core values and believe the justifications fabricated by those of influence are correct.
People seem to be clueless on what is wrong politically, financially, and socially; because the majority are completely dependent on the same system of this hierarchy to inform them. But any system (political, health, education, economic, financial, energy, food, and water) can be subjected to infections of negative intent that cannot be detected until it spreads to all vital areas and suffocate their host (the people).
The antidote for this infection is to become independent off of any system and do your own research; it doesn’t matter what kind of a system you are dependent on; it is imperative to find alternative solutions which gives you back the power of choice.
How many people are really informed about what is happening around the world? Not too many! Because they watch their local news and believe they are informed! The main stream media in all developed nations; are censored and scripted. They will not let you know what is really going on because they know people have a conscience and will not agree with what “the power that be” is doing. They create chaos and pretend they are against it, they commit crimes and blame it on someone else they want to destroy for self gain, they steel from people and convince everyone that they have the rights to do so; they create poverty and pretend they are helping by lending them money for obscured amount of interest! Confiscation of real wealth like energy, valuable metals, real estate, manufacturing, farming and food production amongst others, are happening around the world with the aid of new laws they are constantly inventing to place us all in a smaller box than what we had before! When all of us become aware of the fraud we were sold, their pyramid of hierarchy will crumble. We are the foundation they built their empire upon, without us they have nothing. Be aware that most systems slowly changed over a period of time to serve those we trusted and placed on top of the pyramid scheme. People in positions of power develop a sickness which dehumanizes them to the point where they see people as objects. The cure to their sickness is to bring them back down to earth where they can see themselves as part of this world not above it.