Forbidden Knowledge of World Domination and the Spiritual Connection to a Web of Secrecy

Humanity refuses to see the obvious because the secret has been labelled as science fiction and unrealistic. You must have an open mind to see reality from a different point of view otherwise you are stuck on a treadmill that goes nowhere. Our world has been infiltrated by negative entities with malevolent vicious intent thousands of years ago; they operate in secret manipulating the physical and the spiritual realm to keep total control over the masses. All religions labelled these entities in a primitive way as “the demons”. The bible story of Adam and Eve also depicted the serpent as the devil who tricked the gullible humans to believe a lie. That is how these entities assumed control over humanity and the planet and still to this day use our gullibility to spread lies and disinformation through their human minions who assumed control over all systems i.e. political, financial, educational, religious pharmaceutical, and so on.
Our understanding of spirituality is so simple and stuck in its infancy; it is filled with dogma and twisted truth. In history it is well known that during every war and revolution the first thing they did is burn the knowledge base libraries and books so that they can rewrite their lies into history and religions. They keep on feeding the masses lies or half truths to keep them confused and controlled. Unless we challenge ourselves to learn beyond religious fear based traps and politics, we could just stay stagnant under their control for a long time. Most people may never wake up to see the truth that has been hidden by these creatures. We refuse to investigate the possibility of extra terrestrials because these entities discourage us from looking into this web of secrecy. They use the rich, and the powerful to influence our thought process through the media and other sources to keep the masses ignorant.
Spirituality and science are not separate; they are part of each other; however by keeping them separate we are separating ourselves from the truth. |
The truth is that everything is one, but by creating separation and division you become diverted and pulled away from the truth. Take a look at how boarders of countries create an imaginary division, people automatically think of themselves as separate from the rest of humanity. It creates the idea of us versus them, again a form of an illusionary separation. This is how they divide and conquer; they separated us from our inner truth, genetically manipulate us, and then use all our differences against us to stay in control for self serving reasons.

You might ask yourself; how do they do this while staying unrecognized?! They entrusted a few families with their secret, gave them knowledge, power and riches beyond anyone’s imagination to infiltrate and control all systems around the world. Any leader(s) which resisted them were labelled as dangerous, declared war on them and used the human armies of controlled countries to destroy the people who resisted; then placed an obedient government in their place to attain control over that area of the world.
The name of the game they play is called “World Domination”. Sometimes they play both sides of the war tricking people to believe that one side is bad and the other is better; but in reality you are looking at different heads attached to the same beast or different sides of the same coin. In a scenario like this, people’s behaviour is also predictable; the majority of them would flock to take the side of the good not knowing that it is just a mere facade to rearrange the systems; people become willing to give some of their freedom away to the “powers that be” because they feel grateful for being saved from the bad side; this makes it easier for new rules and regulations to be implemented while assuming more control over a larger population than before.
The name of the game they play is called “World Domination”. Sometimes they play both sides of the war tricking people to believe that one side is bad and the other is better; but in reality you are looking at different heads attached to the same beast or different sides of the same coin. In a scenario like this, people’s behaviour is also predictable; the majority of them would flock to take the side of the good not knowing that it is just a mere facade to rearrange the systems; people become willing to give some of their freedom away to the “powers that be” because they feel grateful for being saved from the bad side; this makes it easier for new rules and regulations to be implemented while assuming more control over a larger population than before.
The truth is that these rich families don’t give a hoot about ideologies of any religious beliefs; what matters to them is the centralization of wealth and power in their hands. The banking system that is being implemented around the world gives them this power of world domination. Religions, politics, and the media are mere tools they use for socioeconomic experimentation and global geopolitical engineering. They are not part of any religion, but they support all movements of all religious groups to move the global population in the directions they want them to go.
We need to stay cautious towards the creation of a one world rule, or one world currency which is their ultimate game of control, see the clues in this related article; . |
We have built our society on a hierarchy based system not equality; by allowing them to impose their rules on the world while immorality and hierarchy is dominant; then you might as well give them the keys to the planet and say your goodbyes. Nowadays if you don’t like the laws of the country you have the choice to relocate to a different country under more tolerable rules. But once the world is incorporated under one ring to rule them all, then we are all done like dinner.

Humanity has to stop looking at life from an ant’s point of view and start to look at it from a bird’s point of view. You can’t see the full picture unless you are looking at it from above. Humans are all equal, what makes them fail to achieve peace and harmony is the imaginary value they place on each other. The titles given to individuals are designed to give some people more rights and privileges than others; Hence the inequality in the world. These inequalities are implemented through laws that support the systems of governments, corporations, banks, religions and royalties.
Sometimes spiritual people discourage the discussions about the dark side’s agenda; because they fear that if they peek into it, they might attract it or may amplify it. They couldn’t be further from the truth. The universe is made up of the Yin and Yang; you can’t just look at one and not the other! How can we make a sound conscious decision without seeing the whole picture?! Knowledge is power and the darkness must be recognized and understood in order to keep it at bay. The only thing people should do is control and master how to deal with their emotions, because thoughts and emotions trigger manifestations. Russian scientists are already proving this theory to be true.
The pieces of the puzzle are scattered everywhere; in books, internet articles, science, world events, ancient documents, archeology, culture and so on; all you have to do is just do your own research, find the clues and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together; you’re not going to find them in one place. Don’t be naive and quick to believe the so called “experts”. Let your intuition lead you to the truth because no one will guide you to find prosperity, and spiritual awareness but you.
Sometimes spiritual people discourage the discussions about the dark side’s agenda; because they fear that if they peek into it, they might attract it or may amplify it. They couldn’t be further from the truth. The universe is made up of the Yin and Yang; you can’t just look at one and not the other! How can we make a sound conscious decision without seeing the whole picture?! Knowledge is power and the darkness must be recognized and understood in order to keep it at bay. The only thing people should do is control and master how to deal with their emotions, because thoughts and emotions trigger manifestations. Russian scientists are already proving this theory to be true.
The pieces of the puzzle are scattered everywhere; in books, internet articles, science, world events, ancient documents, archeology, culture and so on; all you have to do is just do your own research, find the clues and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together; you’re not going to find them in one place. Don’t be naive and quick to believe the so called “experts”. Let your intuition lead you to the truth because no one will guide you to find prosperity, and spiritual awareness but you.